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Winter in Brazil will be hot: in all states of the federative republic, seasonal temperature norms will be exceeded

There are only a few days left until the start of winter in Brazil, but high temperatures and a lack of rainfall are expected to remain throughout the country. To help everyone prepare for the official arrival of the season on June 21, experts from Meteum, an AI-powered weather forecasting platform, have analyzed the country's main cities and reveal what to expect in the coming weeks.

What will the summer of 2024 be like in Turkey?

This summer could become record-breaking hot for Turkey. Significant temperature increases above the climatic norm and last year’s temperatures are forecasted for Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Konya, Antalya, and several other major cities. Additionally, drier weather compared to last year is expected for the entire western and central parts of the country. Considering that in 2023, some locations, such as Izmir, broke nearly century-old heat records, something similar can be expected this coming summer. July will be the hottest month. Hot dry air is expected to be brought again by the hot winds blowing from the Sahara Desert.

Tornadoes and how they're formed

Tornadoes are as hard to predict as they are to forget after experiencing one. These mysterious whirlwinds can look like ordinary clouds, hide behind heavy rain, and even touch ground in a snowstorm. Keep reading to learn how tornadoes are formed and what myths get stuck in their vortex.

Meteum: weather forecasting technology with proprietary AI-based data processing core

In spite of the long history of weather forecasting, the accuracy of most modern methods leaves a lot to be desired. That’s why we’d looked at the available solutions, noted their weak spots, and built Meteum — the most powerful forecasting platform to date.

Who are the hurricane hunters? Into the eye of the storm: The daring work of hurricane hunters

As hurricane season approaches, a specialized team of pilots and meteorologists prepare to fly directly into the heart of these powerful storms. Known as "hurricane hunters," these brave individuals risk their lives to gather critical data that helps protect millions of people in coastal communities.

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