Отличный ресторан с отличным сервисом. Он конечно не семейный. Здесь ты можешь пообщаться по делу, посидеть с любимым человеком, друзьями, но не с семьей. Я бы назвал его клубным, если бы он таким был. Но это не так.
A great place to relax with family and friends. Excellent cuisine. Excellent service. Those who drink alcohol should read the bar menu themselves and make sure that the waiter does not foist expensive alcohol on you in pursuit of a big bill and, accordingly, big tips.
The stay was good, but not the best one as at JWM shall be.
I was very disappointed by the poor quality of cleaning in the room, dirty water in the pool, dirty tables by the pool... is this JWM?
Very doubtful!