5th Subdistrict of Tyopliy Stan
Sports complex
5th Subdistrict of Tyopliy Stan
227 marşrutunun digər variantları
Yaddaşda saxla
5th Subdistrict of Tyopliy Stan
Profsoyuznaya Street, 156
47 dayanacaq
Metro Tyopliy Stan
· 8A
Lyakhvinskiy Pond
Tyopliy Stan Street, 9
Generala Tuleneva Street
Metro Generala Tyuleneva
· 2B
Sambo-70 School
Akademika Vinogradova Street
Akademika Vargi Street, 2
Akademika Vargi Street, 6
Akademika Vargi Street
Akademika Vargi Street, 22
Teplostansky proezd
Métro Tropariovo
· 5A
9th Microdistrict of Tyoply Stan
Hotel Salute
Theatre in the South-West
Vernadskogo Avenue, 113
Yugo-Zapadnaya Metro Station
· 2A__2B
RTU MIREA and the Academy under the President of the Russian Federation
Akademika Anokhina Street, 2
Nikulinsky passage
Olympic Village Drive
Olympic Village
Sports complex
Koshtoyanets Street, 47
RTU MIREA and the Academy under the President of the Russian Federation
Yugo-Zapadnaya Metro Station
· 6B__6C
Yugo-Zapadnaya Metro Station
· 3E
Vernadskogo Avenue, 113
Theatre in the South-West
General Staff Academy
Metro Troparevo
· 3A
Teplostansky proezd
Recreation Area
Akademika Vargi Street, 22
Akademika Vargi Street
Akademika Vargi Street, 6
Akademika Vargi Street, 2
Akademika Vinogradova Street
Sambo-70 School
Metro Generala Tyuleneva
· 2A
Generala Tuleneva Street
Tyopliy Stan Street, 9
Lyakhvinskiy Pond
Metro Tyopliy Stan
· 8B
Profsoyuznaya Street, 156
Profsoyuznaya Street, MKAD
Generala Tuleneva Street, 41
5th Subdistrict of Tyopliy Stan
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